About Us

The Bonchra story has been a long time in the making. With a passion for building things out of timber, I have slowly but surely built nearly our entire house worth of furniture.  Family and friends would see pieces and before long any spare time I had was spent in the shed tinkering away, fulfilling orders.

Tools were slowly acquired under the disguise of "think of the money we'll save Kylie, I can build that myself but I just need this tool or that machine". (Even if the machine was worth more than the piece of furniture I was making at the time😕.)

It wasn't until September 2024 when I was made redundant from my job, I was forced to evaluate what I really wanted out of life. Having such a passion for woodworking and seeing such a strong response from family and friends of the things I've been making, Kylie and I decided to jump head first in to creating furniture full time. 

Jump forward to today and I still have that same passion for creating unique furniture. I love pushing the boundaries of what solid timber furniture should look like and get satisfaction knowing that the items that leave the workshop have never been replicated before.

The Bonchra team - Steve, Kylie, Bonnie, Chase, Ruby and Abby